Mercury Poisoning
Mercury is found in Dental Amalgam (Silver Fillings)
I've heard a lot of people talk about fibromyalgia being the result of mercury poisoning from tooth fillings. The Dental Amalgam (Silver Filling), which are the most common type of fillings, are 50% mercury. Mercury poisoning causes fatigue, sleep problems, depression, and an inability to think clearly, which coincidently are also listed as symptoms of fibromyalgia.
So, I removed all my fillings. This however is inconclusive, as mercury can stay in your body for many years. I can tell you this though. I had a problem with my gums bleeding every time I brushed them. This problem went away the day after I had my mercury fillings removed.
Another problem I had, was a skin rash called Psoriasis, which seemed untreatable before, but after words gives me very little problems. The same medications I used for it before, wipe it out fairly quickly, were before they had little effect.
One last note on mercury, you might read somewhere that sulfur helps remove mercury from your body. Well, sulfur also allows the mercury to float around in your body, 'causing more damage and depression/anxiety. So, before you go eating a bunch of eggs, which are high in sulfur, keep that in mind. There's better methods. I haven't done this yet, 'cause I've been wanting to get tested for mercury levels first. Anyway, the keywords to use in your search are "chelating mercury". Remember, you want to get it out without doing additional damage.
Did the mercury test about 2 years after having my tooth fillings removed. I don't remember the units, but If I remember right, it was 3 on a scale where a 5 would make it illegal here in Ukraine to work in mercury related professions. One would suspect that some people are more sensitive to it than others. Even the depression/anxiety was not much of a problem by the time I took the test.
I learned, whenever you read that something helps with something... do a little more research and find out how it affects people with high levels of mercury. I think it was B6 or something like that, where they say people with mercury usually lack it, but if you read more you find out the mercury also prevents you from getting rid of it. In other words, your body has little control over it. To little makes you tired, and to much makes you tired. To much could be dangerous. I'm not sure if it was B6 or something else though. One of the B vitamins.
Perhaps it's necessary to not just remove the fillings, but also do mercury chelation for fibromyalgia. I suspect this is highly likely to be part of the problem, as mercury poisoning symptoms match fibromyalgia quite well.