The scientific world in current society seems to support only one path of thinking, anything outside that path is ridiculed and harassed, until buried deep in the closet. It is a pathway hopelessly distorted by the influence of greed and power.
Large highly respected laboratories use their powerful influence to stamp out ideas which could cause them to loose their funding. Scientists are often dependent on funding, which prevents them from straying outside the realm of commonly accepted beliefs. If a scientist strays to far into the unusual, he or she might be labeled a quack, and therefore loose funding sources. Scientists fight tooth and nail any idea which will prove their field of study invalid.
Conceivia will open the doors to truly free science. Here, scientists will be free to explore the realm of science on many pathways. Whatever each individual scientist believes in, will be the path he or she follows.
We must throw out the teachings of current society, and think for ourselves. We must open the doors and explore the depths of the closets, and do our own research and our own thinking. The Internet allows us to research much easier than ever before. In doing so, however, we must be careful of money's distortion of the Internet.