The powerful people in current society have little interest in the environment, and therefore make little or no attempt to protect it. Many individuals, however, have a great interest in protecting it. If these individuals had the power, such as a society like Conceivia would give them, they would very quickly make use of existing technology to just about eliminate a cities negative impact on the environment.
Conceivia places the power in the hands of the people where it belongs. Where it can benefit society and the environment.
Cities use shared resources to save money. For example, instead of all houses having their own wells, they all hook up to a common well with pipes. Electricity is another example. It would be much more expensive and impractical for each house to have it's own power plant.
Conceivia however, would likely take this idea a bit farther. Obviously, it would cost slightly more to connect every factory to scrubbers which remove 99% of pollutants from exhaust gases, than simply dumping the pollutants in the air. Conceivia wouldn't be concerned with such a small added cost, to remove pollution, while capitalist societies pinch every penny.
Just as a city connects every home to water, it could connect every home and factory to Scrubbers, if desired. Scrubbers are very expensive, and homes and small factories could never afford them on their own. The city as a whole can very easily afford it though.
The cost is quite low, 'cause one scrubber can be shared by hundreds or even thousands of small factories. Therefore the cost is only in piping.
In a city, homes really shouldn't make exhaust gases, nor should transportation. In this new city, these are both completely free of pollution and green house gases, thereby greatly reducing damage to the environment.
Cities always had the potential of being extremely low impact on the environment, however in a society like Conceivia, cities will very likely achieve that potential and have almost no impact on the environment.
In a typical modern society, cities like this are a dream that could never exist, but in the new society it is a very likely future city. The new society gives the freedom for people to follow their dreams.
Toxic materials will dealt with extremely efficiently, by utilizing the fully automated Micro Mass Transit System. This system will make it so easy, that even something as small as a mercury containing watch battery, will be properly recycled almost 100% of the time.
Waste costs money. Micro Mass Transit System, makes recycling dirt cheap and so easy! No longer will we destroy the Environment out of laziness, soon we will actually preserve the Environment out of laziness!