Welcome to Conceivia
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Where the power of freedom is harnessed to make dreams come true at lightning speed. The way of the future is here. Soon technology will grow at lightning speed. Conceivia will provide creative people with what is needed to create. Inventors will be able to invent. Conceivia will soon revolutionize technology, science, medicine, and even the arts. It'll set people free to make their dreams into reality, and therefore bring forth technology many times faster than currently possible.
Look around you. I'm sure you know someone who has a dream, who just can't seem to accomplish it. Some kind of invention or something. Conceivia will give people the power to make those dreams come true. All this will be accomplished with the power of freedom.
Current society has its good points and bad points. Its good point is that it allows people some individual freedom. It allows to some extent, the ability of inventors to invent, but it makes it extremely difficult for them. In fact it tends to be only the rich who have that freedom. Conceivia will allow everyone the individual freedom to invent.
Conceivia is an inventor's paradise. Not only are people free to make decisions, but they are also almost entirely free of the burden of working to support not only themselves but also the cost of inventing and bringing a new idea to market. In Conceivia people have freedom of time. Freedom to do the work which inspires them, rather than wasting their lives on robotic functions often not even worthy of the time of robots.
Conceivia will set a new standard of freedom. Where rights are something everyone has, and don't need to be purchased or gotten in courts.
Conceivia is a place where even the poor are considered valuable assets to society, not treated like they are garbage. Where minority opinion counts.
We don't elect leaders, instead we use a new form of Direct Democracy. This is a new system designed based on a system which already exists in nature and has been proven by nature to be extremely successful. This is not majority rule. It is far more advanced than that. The forefathers of the United States gave some good quotes to describe the problems of majority rule or as they call it Democracy.
"Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote!" Franklin, Benjamin
“A democracy is nothing more than mob rule, where fifty-one percent of the people may take away the rights of the other forty-nine.” - Thomas Jefferson
“Remember, democracy never lasts long. It soon wastes, exhausts, and murders itself. There never was a democracy yet that did not commit suicide.” - John Adams
Conceivia is a system which gives power to the minorities. It is dramatically different than majority rule or regular democracy. It is a system which promotes individuality and creativity, while harnessing collective thinking power. A system which creates the ultimate in individual freedom, and equality and atmosphere of collaboration and caring.
You are a minority. You are an individual, in a minority group consisting of one person, you. Conceivia's system will give you real decision making power. Not power as a single vote diluted by the millions until it doesn't matter if you vote or not. Conceivia will give you real decision making power. Such decision making power that in very many situations you will cast the deciding vote.
To get that decision making power, you must hold back your vote in situations where it is not important to you. You must allow others to have the decision making power when it is important to them, and in return you get decision making power when it is important to you. Conceivia's system will automatically boost your power if you do this. Respect others, and you'll be respected in return.
Ideas are created by individuals. Individuals are minorities. If you want technology, we must empower individuals to create. We must give individuals and minorities decision power. We must give inventors what they need to invent. We must give the people control over their lives, empower everyday people to make the decisions which will save the planet and make life better for all of us.
Conceivia is a new system of society which does not suffer from "The Tragedy of the Commons". The people of Conceivia will care for Earth and protect it. No more will the Earth's environment be destroyed. Technology will be created, produced, and distributed, which will greatly reduce our use non-renewable resources.
In our current world, one tenth of the people produce almost all the green house gases. That is due to selfishness, which is created by a flawed system of society.
In a Conceivia world, the Earth could easily support 100 times as many people as it does now. Each individual producing less greenhouse gases than primitive people in villages do today. Technology creates ways for us to produce less greenhouse gases. Better society, allows that techology to be used.
This is not just talk, we are setting up a real world community to make it happen. Once set up, it will quickly spread through the poor countries, empowering the poor, who were discarded like trash by the rest of the World. In this new system, those people will be valuable. Poverty will soon be eliminated. People in poor countries, who have no other options, will flock to our communities, because we offer luxurious living. Far better living than can be offered by anyone else.